Boudoir 101 by A. Dannette Boudoir
We’ve collected a list of common questions or comments from women when they are considering booking a boudoir photo shoot. Over time, we noticed a trend in a few of them, a set of beliefs or misconceptions that are completely bogus. We decided to address those myths and give a little bit of truth instead. Here's a quick guide to getting started!
Myth #1
I have to be in skimpy clothes or naked for a boudoir shoot.
Reality -
Wear whatever makes you feel confident and sexy. Doing a boudoir session isn’t about stripping down to your undies. That may be ok for some but the goal is to help you see your true beauty. We want you to see yourself as how the world sees you, and how your partner sees you. We want you to shed the negative way you see yourself. If feeling sexy and empowered means wearing something lacy, go for it! If it means wearing your favorite pair of jeans or a cozy sweater, that’s great too!
Myth #2
The women in those photos are models, not real women.
Reality -
The images you see are moms, wives, fiances, single ladies, nurses, get the picture! All women in those images are every day ladies just like you! A little makeup, coaching and confidence can go a long way!
Myth #3
I have to do a boudoir session for my husband, boyfriend or partner.
Reality -
Girl, do it for you! Several clients have booked a session while going through a divorce, achieving a weight loss goal, or celebrating graduating college. It starts from within, do it for yourself. Giving a gift of sexy photos to another person is just icing on the cake.
Myth #4
I have to know how to pose in front of the camera. I have to know how to make a sexy face for my boudoir photo shoot to come out great.
Reality -
A pro photographer will help. With a list of tried and true poses and facial expressions, even the most awkward person can strike a pose. A professional photographer can guide you on how to pose and how to look at the camera to get those sultry looks. If the sultry vixen look isn’t your thing, photos of laughing babes can be just as hot.
Myth #5
I really want to do a shoot, but I have to wait until everything is just right: I need to lose five more pounds, I need a better tan, I need to be a little more confident.
Reality -
So many women say to me, “I’ve wanted to do a boudoir session with you but I need to lose five more pounds.” The truth is, like many bucket list items, you just have to say “F&%K it” and just do it! Stop making excuses. There will never be a perfect time to take that trip to Italy or a perfect time to jump out of a plane. Own your moments and your life. Be brave and fierce and the rest will follow.
If the sultry vixen look isn’t your thing, photos of laughing babes can be just as hot.